Retiring the old marketing material

Putting it in this post for posterity and remembrance of the journey of this game. 

]baud:  An 80's Hacker Culture Tribute

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]baud is a cyberpunk-roguelike set in the 1980's, a homage to the home computer-based hacking/cracking/phreaking culture of that time period. In this game, you are the hacker and your mission is to break into corporate mainframes and steal their data to build your rep in the hacker community. In addition to its setting, the game itself is actually hosted on a 1980's-like technology platform, a Bulletin Board System, in a hat-tip to the many excellent Roguelikes of that time period (LORD, Netrunner, Pyroto Mountain which are still running on my BBS to this day).

Some of the key features in the game:

  • ASCII based roguelike complete with permadeath, turn-based strategy, grid-based movement and procedural generation of maps and characters
  • A game progression system that unlocks Cores and new Decks (your terminal for accessing systems) to play
  • Uses a deck-building system for combat with processes (ICE, Viruses, Copy Protection) on the mainframe (Core)
  • Codebreaking involves a trivia and word puzzles system (a hat tip to Pyroto Mountain BBS game of the 80's era one of the deepest most fascinating games of that time - which I still host to this day)
  • The "stores" are fully simulated Apple ][e ASCII Express Pro Pirate BBSes. You can trade Functions (hacking ability), Subroutines (special powers), and Data.
  • Subroutines provide a risk/reward system that you can access in the programs you hack. They serve as the magic/potion system in the game, giving special abilities and perhaps no so special outcomes.

The game will be available for BBS Sysops to connect to their BBS sites via telnet/rlogin and available for download for single-player on MacOS and Windows.

Reddit Sharing Saturday Posts:

IntroTake & DeleteLevel Generation pt. 1FOVNPC Behaviors,Keys, Kernel and Hunger pt 1

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