Version 0.02e Updates

This latest release adds some significant improvements to the game with additional NPC's, Loot and most importantly the first version with inline procedural generated NPC's in the level. It is also moving closer to an upcoming downloadable release for playtesting. 

Latest Enhancements

  • Procedural generation of NPC's now happens at entry of the level. If you disconnect from the mainframe, the NPC's will be retained unless your deck was wiped out by permadeath.
  • Added Modems as NPC's into the levels. These allow dial-out to Pirate BBS'es from the mainframe without disconnecting. They may be busy when accessing them and not available.
  • There is a chance the Feds will trace your line when you disconnect from the Core during a run. Game over after they seize you and your deck.
  • Added $Data which can be collected as loot in the level
  • Added ?Credentials which allow access to the Access Point for moving between levels. A credential is only valid for one login attempt at the access point before it is exhausted.
  • Credentials are now required to access Modem Pools and Access Points

Latest Bug Fixes

  • Game Log header was missing after exiting combat back to the Mainframe Console.
  • NPC's were not registering their damage if they lost a hack encounter
  • Fixed XOR function - it was incorrectly calculating it's position when determining even vs odd
  • Tuned NPC appearance weights to tweak the balance in the first few levels to be more equitable to the player who has not built up an inventory of functions.

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